Good Morning Colorado, Ike here!

More than ever, we need representatives in Congress willing to speak the truth!

As the Representative of an 80% working-class agricultural district, I will stand up to wealthy special interests, corporate agricultural monopolies, and financial corruption in Congress.

We need legislators who will fight tooth and nail for working class American families!

Access to healthcare, an education, a roof over your head, a meal in your belly, and a good paying job are bare minimums a morally just society should provide.


Western Democratic governments provide services which the individual cannot properly secure for themselves. These services and protections to name a few include but are not limited to: police, fire, health departments, water, sewer, sanitation, public services, environmental protections, voting regulations, military, and a plethora more—

We can no longer allow the opposition control of the narrative. The demonization of our government by a radical minority supported by corrupt corporate Political Action Committees and their paid for operatives in Congress must end.

Removing dark money and corruptive influence from the United States Congress in an existential political imperative.

In 2022 we need candidates that will speak Truth to Power! Candidates that are ready to fight for the rights of working class Americans!

I am setting an ambitious goal! By 10 November 2021, in honor of the Marine Corps Birthday, we will raise $20,000 to remove “Corporate Ken” and bring Honor, Courage, and Commitment to our seat in the United States Congress.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution between instantly:

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The 2022 general election is just over a year away. Republican Super PACs and Big Oil lobbyists that own Ken Buck are already spending millions of dollars to influence elections across the country.


I have never held my tongue in the past! You can count on me to be your unwavering liberal voice and advocate in the United States Congress!

We will stand strong and fight in the face of tyranny and injustice! The oppression of liberty and freedom will never endure on our watch! We are ready and willing to fight for America’s working class! Let’s shake up the Washington establishment and start living up to the America we have always promised ourselves to be!

Send us to Washington by giving $3—or whatever you can right now—towards our November 10th celebratory fundraising goal of 20K.

Semper Fi