Convening Agenda: 
  • National: 
    • Legislative Updates: 
      • Build Back Better Act
      • Bring America Home Now Act
      • Developing Racially Equitable Policy 
    • Administrative Updates:
      • USICH Federal Strategic Plan 
      • House America/ Unspent CARES and ERAP 
      • DOJ Investigations 
      • Eliminating administrative exclusions for personal drug possession and use 
  • Local:
      • Miami victory 
      • Circumventing Martin 
      • Using funds for emergency hotel stays 
      • Land Trusts 
      • Supporting formerly incarcerated individuals access housing 
Created and distributed by:
the National Homelessness Law Center 
on behalf of the Housing Not Handcuffs campaign
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Address postal inquiries to:
National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036