Hey Young Dems,
The East Bay Young Democrats Board has unanimously approved the endorsement of a resolution by Maxine Doogan to decriminalize sex work which she is trying to push through the California Democratic Party.
If anyone has any objections please notify the board and we will put the question to the general membership at out next meeting on July 24th, 7pm - 9pm at 2044 Franklin Street, Oakland.
Resolution To Decriminalize Sex Work
Where as criminalization of prostitution creates exploitive and unsafe work conditions,
Whereas Local police and district attorneys continue to arrest and charge prostitution offenses primarily against people of color, LGBT, homeless and youth including sex trafficking victims,
Therefore Be It Resolved that the California Democratic Party continue to support policies to expand the rights for people involved in prostitution to access equal protection under the law and employ safety measures on those jobs.
Therefore Be It Resolved That the California Democratic Party support the complete decriminalization of prostitution
Maxine Doogan
In Community,
Victor E. Flores, EBYD Director of Communications
"The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution."
— Huey P. Newton