Greetings to our UNITED network!
What a busy few weeks it has been! We at UNTIED have been busy planning and executing a number of initiatives, and are very excited to share them with you, and of course, to invite you to join.
Without further ado…

Call for Participations – Let’s make it better! – Mentoring youth workers
UNITED Training, Budapest, Hungary, between 22-27 November 2021
Are you a youth worker engaged in anti-racist activities? Do you want to gain tools and learn methodologies to use in your work? And do you want to contribute to the creation of a database of self-reflection and development methods for youth workers?
Apply now to our training!
This training is designed to develop the quality of anti-racist youth work by mentoring youth workers engaged in anti-racist activities.
Youth workers often lack the space, the time and the instruments to reflect on themselves and their work, especially with the help of professionals. Those engaged in anti-racist activities also face additional problems: they are often exposed to hate speech and hate crimes themselves, which they must be able to handle.
The training will help young youth workers to reflect on themselves, their career, and the difficulties faced during their work.
What will you learn by joining?
- understand the importance of well-being and continuous development as a youth worker
- learn about how to cope with hate speech and hate crime
- self-reflection methodologies
- human rights education tools
- preparation of a database of accessible methods, manuals and other materials that youth workers can use
- learn from professionals engaged in anti-racism activities
- Anyone residing in a member state of the Council of Europe
- Target group: youth workers at the beginning of their career
- Participants must have a working level knowledge of the English language
- Participants must stay for the full duration of the program
- Please mind the fact that entering Hungary and using most facilities, including the training venue, you are obliged to show proof of vaccination or accepted methods of immunity. We cannot take you on board without some proof and you will be asked after selection!
- Preference given to:
- young people under 31 years
- participants from organisations working with people who might be targeted by racism or who are part of minority groups themselves
- delegates of UNITED supporter organizations
BUT we are happy to welcome newcomers’ applications, too!
- participation in the training is free of charge (includes accommodation for 5 nights between 22-27 Nov and 3 meals/day. Only breakfast on 27th.)
- Reimbursement of travel costs: 75% of the total amount but a maximum 250 Euros.
Tickets, boarding passes and further relevant documents on the name of the participant are necessary for the reimbursement.
Fill out the application form on this link until 1st November 2021, 12.00 (CET)
This training was made possible with the financial support of the Council of Europe.
UNITED joins Virtual Education Academy 3!

On Saturday the 9th of October, UNITED co-hosted a pane; l “The Power of experiential learning & non-formal Education”.
The panel is part of a series of events organised by the Virtual Education Academy, which aims to train over 4000 teachers in Indonesia, with the support of the Erasmus+ Student + Alumni Alliance.
Among the diverse lineup of speakers, director Balint Jósa shared insights about education for human rights from the perspective of our international anti-racism network.
Missed the webinar? No worries, you can read about it here, or catch a recording on YouTube here!
9th of November campaign - Day against Fascism

This year, for our 9th of November campaign, our theme is "From Hate to Hope". Our campaign will run for a month, starting from the 9th of November, onto the Human Rights Day, 10th of December, where we aim to end on a hopeful note, reminding you all of the good there is out in the world, that we can aspire to.
During this month, we are doing a series of conversations with people with a long-standing history with anti-fasicsm.
We will hold these conversations over Zoom, livestream them and have a recording available later on our YouTube channel, and we will invite you to watch along, comment, and participate as you please.
We have an exciting lineup! So far, the confirmations include:
Marietta Herfort, who is part of the team at The aim of RomNet is to present a real, authentic, and critical picture about the Roma, not just informed by the Roma, but also by the dedicated professionals and those who are interested in this topic as well.
Jason Gold, photographer from the UK who is now based in Montenegro, and whose photographs have captured the anti-apartheid movement, the campaign for nuclear disarmament, and the wars in Yugoslavia.
Jonathan Evan-Zohar, Director of EuroClio, the European Association of History Educators. EUROCLIO is composed of member associations from 50 countries, varying from very well-established institutes with thousands of history teacher members to more grassroots groups seeking to influence how history is taught in their countries.
We will be preparing and sending out invites in the following weeks, and really hope to see you all there for some thought-provoking, invigorating discussions around fasicsm and what it looks like today.
European Youth Event 2021: addressing racism, and working towards the future we want

From 4 until 9 October the European Parliament opened its doors in Strasbourg for the annual European Youth Event 2021. UNITED joined the EYE 2021 online from Budapest.
At UNITED we want to especially express our Solidarity with #DiasporaVore – a network aimed to encourage racialised individuals in Europe to show interest in the development of EU policies, and FEMYSO – Forum of Europeam Muslim Youth and Student Organisations, both of whose members experienced provocations and disruptions, as well as verbal harassment from the far-right groups. We call onto the European Parliament to carry a serious investigation and ensure that young people can feel safe.
If you want to support the youth groups, join us in sending messages of solidarity and express concern to the European Parliament and its President David Sassoli! #HumanRightsforAll
Read more about our time at the panel here.

The Pool of European Youth Researchers have gotten together to develop an excellent “sustainability checklist” for the youth sector, aimed to encourage organisations to implement more environmentally conscious activities.
It includes information on how to choose venues, menus, and water usage in a sustainable way; how to be mindful of printers, how to ensure buying fair trade: in short, all the day-today activities of organizations, with suggestions on how to do them more sustainably.
This is the checklist itself ➡️
For more information, here is a short, 3-minute promo video on the checklist:

Join an international online event for networking, capacity building and peer learning in the youth sector!
The Meta-University is a multi-level platform to:
- address the current challenges of the youth sector
- discover the potential of digital youth work
- build capacities, innovate and share knowledge
- interact and build new synergies to boost youth cooperation at global level
The next edition of the Meta-University will take place between 19-22 October 2021 featuring a rich programme built together with ten partner organisations coming from different regions of the world.
Discover the 4-days programme, choose the activities you would like to follow, connect and shape the global youth agenda together!
Check the video teaser and follow the event on social media
European Youth Event 2021: addressing racism, and working towards the future we want