
Tomorrow, Congress is holding a hearing about climate action.
There are several climate change proposals being debated in Congress, with many winding up in the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion big-spending bill.
The hearing is being billed as a way to showcase how these investments in climate action are good for job creation and economic growth.
What they’re missing is that spending trillions of dollars we DON’T have is not the way to create jobs or spur economic growth, especially at a time when inflation from their last spending sprees is driving up the cost of goods, gas, energy, etc.
The only thing these climate action proposals will do is drive up costs even more… and fall on the backs of those who can least afford them. Not to mention, many of the proposals are unrealistic and unattainable with current energy technology and ignore clean energy technologies that actually can help reduce emissions but are still reliable and affordable. .
Take this quick survey to share your thoughts on climate change.
We’d like to know your thoughts ahead of tomorrow’s hearing. 
Charlotte Whelan