11 ways you can speak out against anti-Semitism
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Dear John,

Today marks one year since the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in U.S. history. The attack in Pittsburgh took the lives of 11 Jews as they prayed. Today we remember their names, and how those 11 souls had given so much to their families, to their congregations, to their neighbors and to the world.

The attack took them away, and shattered our sense of security in our houses of worship.

But it did not destroy our community. Our compassion. Our determination to fight the good fight against extremism.

Through ADL’s 11 Actions for 11 Lives, you can stand up now against hate in your own community and beyond.


Stand up now by visiting 11 Actions for 11 Lives! Even if you have just a few minutes today...

You can send a message of solidarity and healing to the Pittsburgh community.

You can be a force for good by volunteering with a worthy organization.

You can report it when you see hate online, using our action guide to learn how to demand that social media platforms take it down.

You can sign ADL petitions pushing for stronger Federal laws to fight domestic terrorism and track hate crimes.

Go to 11 Actions for 11 Lives today and take action.

Today we commemorate 11 lives lost to anti-Semitic violence. Let us come together in reflection and remembrance, and let us end the day rededicated to fighting hate for good.

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Another way to stand up and be counted in the fight against extremism is by being part of the largest gathering about fighting anti-Semitism. Never Is Now, ADL’s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate convenes on November 21 at the Javits Center in New York. With breakout sessions about confronting extremism, anti-Semitism on campus, hate online, the BDS movement and other compelling issues, and inspiring speakers from around the world, this is a vital event to help you speak out against hate. Click here to find out more or register.