Northwest Washington's natural resources are some of the prides of our nation. We represent the Puget Sound, America's largest estuary, as well as vital species like our orcas and salmon that call those waters home.

A healthy environment is vital to our region's and our nation's economy and way of life. We must protect our lands, water, and wildlife. And we can create tens of thousands of family-wage jobs in Washington, and millions across the country.

I am committed to increasing funding for low and zero-emission buses and ferries, investing in public transit, making transportation and the electric grid cleaner through new renewable energy infrastructure. Our fisheries rely on healthy oceans, and outdoor recreation in our forests and mountains is critical to so many family-wage jobs.

It is with that in mind that I am proud to announce an endorsement from the Sierra Club's National Political Team and Washington State Chapter for our shared commitment to protecting our communities.

Rick Larsen: Endorsed by the Sierra Club’s National Political Team and Washington State Chapter

As founder and co-chair of the Estuaries Caucus, championing rich investment in our critical waters, and an avid supporter of our Land and Water Conservation Fund, this endorsement means a lot to me.

For more than 120 years, the Sierra Club has been a top partner for protecting our most treasured natural assets.I have always been committed to protecting our environment and tirelessly fighting the climate crisis, and it means so much to me to have recognition from one of the most devoted groups to that effort across the country.

We only have one planet, and I will continue to fight every day to protect our natural resources.


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