Be inspired by and build upon the powerful legacy of domestic worker leaders that came before us.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)


“Learning about how domestic workers in the past came together to make change makes me feel an urgency to learn from their examples so we can fight stronger and smarter today."

- Patricia Sauls, NDWA-We Dream in Black Atlanta Chapter


Dear John,

Our Making History event on Friday was a great success and a powerful tribute to Dorothy Bolden and other movement ancestors. A big THANK YOU to everyone who joined.

At the event we launched a set of amazing tools that will allow us all to be inspired by and build upon the powerful legacy of domestic worker leaders and organizations that came before us:

We invite you to explore our website and each of the tools, and encourage you to share them with others in your networks.


This event was the culmination of a three-year collaboration between NDWA and activist-scholars Jennifer Guglielmo, Michelle Joffroy and Diana Sierra Becerra. Through this incredible partnership, we are putting domestic worker history in the hands of domestic workers, and making this important part of American history visible to all.

As you explore the rich history of our movement, we want to ask you also to take action, just as Dorothy Bolden and our other movement ancestors would do!

We are SO close to winning a truly historic investment in care through the Build Back Better Act. When we win, it will be the biggest investment in the care workforce in this country ever. But we can’t get across the finish line without you.

Please call your member of Congress at 1-855-637-5982 to urge them to pass the Build Back Better Act with a full investment in home and community based services. The call only takes two minutes but will go a long way in letting our elected officials know that we are committed to building a better future for each and every one of us. 

Thanks for all that you do,

Care Team, National Domestic Workers Alliance

Thank you for being a dedicated supporter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance!

We're working day and night to win respect, recognition, and labor rights and protections for the more than 2.5 million nannies, house cleaners, and homecare workers.

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Dignity, Unity, Power

The majority of domestic workers sit at the center of some of our nation’s most decisive issues because of who they are and what they do: they are women – mostly women of color, immigrants, mothers, and low-wage workers. They are impacted by almost every policy affecting the future of our economy, democracy and country.

Domestic workers can lead us toward a new, inclusive vision for the future for all of us -- and your grassroots support is the fuel that can get us there.

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