
A few weeks ago, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy implemented changes in the US Postal Service that are dramatically slowing down mail delivery across the country.

This makes life particularly hard for folks in states like Montana – our rural communities already receive slower service than those in cities. These new changes will further delay mail delivery times, meaning it could take an entire business week to receive important mail.

But DeJoy has decided that slower service in rural America is the cost of doing business. It’s unacceptable, and I’m going to hold him accountable.

Will you add your name to my petition demanding that Postmaster General DeJoy do his job and fix delays in our mail system instead of making life harder for Montanans? >>


I ran for office because I didn’t see anyone in our government fighting for folks in communities like mine. I’m going to do my job and hold DeJoy accountable – I’m just asking that he do his job too.

Thanks for voicing your support. I’m proud to have you on our team.

— Jon