From Cultural Survival <>
Subject Tomorrow! DECOLONIZE: Returning to Our Ways of Being & Knowing
Date October 19, 2021 3:29 PM
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DESCOLONIZAR: Volviendo a nuestras formas de ser y saber!

DESCOLONIZAR: Volviendo a nuestras formas de ser y saber
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** Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20!

Cultural Survival is celebrating 45 years of promoting and amplifying Indigenous voices through our publications! Our current issue of the Cultural Survival Quarterly ([link removed]) is dedicated to the subject of decolonization. We share some of the incredible work Indigenous communities are doing to re-Indigenize and decolonize by returning to their traditional ways of being and knowing; telling their histories; relearning their Indigenous languages; reorganizing their governance and organizational systems to pre-colonial structures; promoting Indigenous aesthetics and arts; revisiting gender identities, gender balance, and inclusiveness; changing their relationships with nature and the natural world and relearning how to communicate in ways that are aligned with the natural world; as well as decolonizing thinking and belief systems imposed by colonizers.

Dive deeper in a conversation with our panelists.

October 20, 2021
11:00 AM ET/ 9:00 AM PT

Chenae Bullock (Shinnecock), Moskehtu Consulting
Jocelyn Ting-Hui Hung Chien (Pinuyumayan), Communications Expert from Taiwan
Bia’ni Madsa ’Juárez López (Ayuuk/Binnizá), Cultural Survival Keepers of the Earth Fund Program Manager
Sócrates Vásquez García (Ayuujk Jääy), Cultural Survival Community Media Program Manager

Edson Krenak Naknanuk (Krenak), Cultural Survival Lead on Brazil
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** DESCOLONIZAR: Volviendo a nuestras formas de ser y saber

¡Celebramos 45 años de estar promoviendo y amplificando las voces Indígenas a través de nuestras publicaciones! Nuestro número actual de Cultural Survival Quarterly ([link removed]) está dedicado al tema de la descolonización. Compartimos parte del increíble trabajo que están haciendo las comunidades Indígenas para re-indigenizarse y descolonizarse al regresar a sus formas tradicionales de ser y conocer; contando sus historias; rescatando sus lenguas Indígenas; reorganizando sus sistemas de gobernanza para volver a estructuras de liderazgo precoloniales; promoviendo la estética y las artes Indígenas; revisando las identidades y el equilibrio de género y la inclusión; cambiando sus relaciones con la naturaleza y el mundo natural y volviendo a aprender a comunicarse en formas que estén alineadas con el mundo natural; además de descolonizar los sistemas de pensamiento y creencias impuestas por los colonizadores.

Acompáñenos en una conversación con nuestros panelistas.

20 de octubre de 2021
11:00 a.m. ET / 8:00 a.m. PT

Chenae Bullock (Shinnecock), Moskehtu Consulting
Jocelyn Ting-Hui Hung Chien (Pinuyumayan), Experta en comunicaciones de Taiwan
Bia’ni Madsa ’Juárez López (Ayuuk/Binnizá), Gerente del Programa, Fondo Guardianes de la Tierra, Cultural Survival
Sócrates Vásquez García (Ayuujk Jääy), Gerente del Programa, Medios Comunitarios, Cultural Survival

Edson Krenak Naknanuk (Krenak), Líder en Brasil, Cultural Survival
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Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972. We envision a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.

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Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Cultures Worldwide, since 1972
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Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 441-5400
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