
When our democracy and your right to vote came under attack from the most powerful office on Earth, I took on that big fight.

I’ve spent nearly a year now fighting Trump’s Big Lie in court — and even before that, I took him to court when he tried to stop mail-in voting in Pennsylvania.

But the Republican candidates for Governor are peddling the Big Lie — and pandering to Donald Trump.

If they get elected, they’ll fight for Donald Trump instead of the people of Pennsylvania. They’ll roll back your right to vote, and they’ll do whatever it takes to please Trump.

There’s too much on the line to not step up and fight back to defend our democracy and the right to vote. Will you make a donation today to support me in the fight?


When extremists spread lies and dangerous conspiracy theories, we spoke truth.

When they went to court to prevent our votes from being counted, we stopped them.

We stood up to their lies — and we won in court to protect the will of the people.

But the attacks from the last election haven’t stopped.

Elections in Pennsylvania are won by razor thin margins, but there’s so much at stake. We can’t lose this battle.

Can you donate any amount today to help keep Pennsylvania blue, and ensure we can keep defending your right to vote?

Thanks for stepping up in this fight,


Thank you for supporting Josh Shapiro's campaign to become the next governor of Pennsylvania. If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail your donation to:

Shapiro for Pennsylvania
PO Box 22635
Philadelphia, PA 19110
United States

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