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How Arab autocrats benefit from newfound friendship with Israel

By Jonathan Hoffman on Oct 18, 2021 03:47 am

Well ahead of 'normalization,' Middle East elites were tapping into Tel Aviv's influence in Washington, much to both's advantage.
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Note to Blinken: Israel’s ‘military option’ shouldn’t be on our table

By Daniel Larison on Oct 15, 2021 03:28 am

This week the secretary of state seemed to encourage Yair Lapid's talk about using force. Is diplomacy dead?
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Men ‘cleared’ for release from GITMO is a cruel, twisted joke

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Oct 15, 2021 12:01 am

It likely means years of languishing until some other client state takes them on board under Washington's strict conditions.
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What Kim Jong Un’s big bad weapons blitz really means

By Harry Kazianis on Oct 14, 2021 03:25 am

Listen closely — he's not talking about going to war but about something quite different. Is Biden listening?
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Dem lawmaker wants to expand trend of ceding war powers to the president

By Elizabeth Beavers on Oct 13, 2021 10:06 am

Rep. Elaine Luria’s proposal pre-authorizing Biden to defend Taiwan if China invades has its roots in American exceptionalism.
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Is the old nuke deal with Iran already dead?

By Roxane Farmanfarmaian on Oct 13, 2021 03:50 am

Unfortunately too much time has passed and there may be no compelling reason for either side to return to talks.
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