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Shuler: "We need more people on the ground in Virginia."
Contract talks continue with Shoppers
Labor On The Move: CSA's Sylvia Casaro-Dietert moves on
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed]
click here to hear today's report
DC COPE meeting: Tue, October 19, 2pm - 3pm
[link removed] Register in advance for this meeting.
[link removed] NoVA Volunteer Phone Bank: Tue, October 19 & Wed, October 20, 6pm - 8pm
Candidate speakers on zoom: Oct. 19th Alex Askew, Katie Sponsler; Oct. 20th Elizabeth Guzman, Chris Hurst
We will be calling fellow union members about this important election! Please click the link above to register.
Wednesdays with Warner: Week 31: Wed, October 20, 8:15am - 9:15am
Join us at our 31st weekly vigil to ask Sen. Warner to stand with workers and sign on to the PRO Act. Two locations: Windmill Hill Park, 500 South Lee St. in Alexandria, and outside the District Office at 8000 Towers Crescent Dr, Vienna.
[link removed] NoVA Labor Organizing Committee: Wed, October 20, 12pm - 1pm
Discussion of our Geographical Organizing Model to make NoVA a Union Town. Workers in every segment of our economy deserve the right to a seat at the table through collective bargaining.
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Missed this week's [link removed] Your Rights At Work radio show? [link removed] Catch the podcast here. This week's show:
RN Marie Ritacco on the 8-month-old strike by 700 nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, and Kentucky State AFL-CIO president Bill Londrigan on the 5-week-old Heaven Hill distillery strike in Kentucky.
Shuler: "We need more people on the ground in Virginia."
The stakes in the upcoming Virginia election - now just 15 days away -- could not be higher, says AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler. "Control of the governorship and the House of Delegates are in the balance and the forces who want to destroy our rights are polling within the margin of error," said Shuler last week, noting that "Anti-worker nominee Glenn Youngkin is a threat to the progress we have made in Virginia over the past several cycles." Winning in Virginia "could strengthen our case for the Workers First Agenda," added Shuler, "But we need more people on the ground in Virginia." Here's how to get involved:
Virtual Phone Banks: Now through Oct. 27: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. ET. Training will be provided before each shift. Register [link removed] here. Oct. 30 - Nov. 2: two shifts per day starting at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. ET. Training will be provided before each shift. Register [link removed] here.
Canvassing/Lit Drops: Canvassing/lit drop schedule and zone locations can be found [link removed] here.
Contract talks continue with Shoppers
"Progress has been slow" on contract talks with Shoppers, reports UFCW 400, which met with Shoppers representatives all last week to continue negotiations on their next union contract. More bargaining dates are scheduled this week "to continue our work to hammer out a deal,"[link removed] said
Local 400. "Our goal remains the same: to negotiate a fair contract that rewards (members') hard work and sacrifice." In the meantime, the union's current contract with Shoppers remains on extension.
Labor On The Move: CSA's Sylvia Casaro-Dietert moves on
Longtime staffer Sylvia Casaro-Dietert has moved on from the Community Services Agency; her last day was last Wednesday. Casaro-Dietert worked for CSA for over 20 years, providing assistance on CSA's School-to-Careers and early workforce development efforts, helping clients through the Emergency Assistance Fund, providing support for CSA's fundraisers, and serving as the multi-lingual resource for CSA, MWC and CAP staff. Her biggest contribution came through her direction of CSA's Building Futures Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Program, which over 14 years has prepared and launched more than 800 low-income and minority DC residents into union apprenticeship programs and jobs in the construction industry. Working with the area's union apprenticeship schools, scores of community-based partners, contractors and employers, and the funder community, "Sylvia helped shape the program into the well-respected and successful job training program it is today," said former CSA Executive Director Kathleen McKirchy, who brought Casaro-Dietert on board at CSA. "And she won the respect and thanks of all involved with the program, most especially the students." See a
[link removed] tribute video here
, created by the Building Futures Program's Case Manager, Jennifer Gajdosik. "Thank you Sylvia for your contributions to workers, the labor movement, and our broader community through your great work at CSA!" said current CSA Executive Director Letycia Pastrana.
Today's Labor Quote: George Meany
"The labor movement's political activity is aimed at encouraging the greatest possible participation in elections. Democracy cannot succeed if only the rich and powerful have and use the votes."
This week's Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: [link removed] "It Didn't Start with Amazon: A Conversation About the History of Organized Labor in the South." Last week's show: [link removed] The Battle of Virden .
The J.P. Stevens textile company is forced to sign its first union contract after a 17-year struggle in North Carolina and other southern states - 1980
- David Prosten.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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