Friend --

Socialism 101 continues with just two more classesJoin us Tuesday at 6:30. All are welcome, even if you missed the previous classes! 

In addition to the educational content, Night School is a great way to socialize with fellow comrades and get plugged in to everything happening with Detroit DSA. Whether you are a DSA member or just interested in socialism, Night School has something for you!

Solidarity forever, 

Political Education Committee




Socialist Night School: Socialist Feminism, Gender and Oppression
October 19th, 6:30PM


What is socialist feminism? How does capitalism affect different kinds of women differently? What is the danger of refusing to recognize difference? Join us for a discussion of this important topic.

Assigned readings and resources:

1. What is Socialist Feminism? by Barbara Ehrenreich

2. Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference by Audre Lorde




Socialist Night School: EcoSocialism or Extinction
October 26th, 6:30PM


In Volume I of Capital, Karl Marx writes: "Capitalistic agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the labourer, but of robbing the soil." Capitalism's exploitation of the Earth's resources has only increased as time has gone on to the point where the planet's future is now potentially at stake. What is the socialist perspective on the environment and what steps can be taken to ensure a sustainable, equitable future? The October 26 Socialist Night School "Ecosocialism or Extinction" will explore this topic, along with the DSA's position on the Green New Deal.

Assigned readings and resources:

1. What do we mean by the Metabolic Rift? by Greg Peakin, RS21 
2. Global International Geosphere-Biosphere Program Statement on the Great Acceleration
3. DSA’s Guiding Principles for a Green New Deal 
4. An Anti-Imperialist Climate Agenda by President Luis Arce Catacora of the Plurinational State of Bolivia


In solidarity,

🌹 Detroit DSA

Metro Detroit Democratic Socialists of America · United States
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