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Workers Unite! filmFest available online!
Harold Meyerson on the Half-Full, Half-Empty State of American Labor
Normally our sister labor film festival, the Workers Unite! Film Festival, would only be accessible to our readers in New York City. But thanks to online screening technologies, WUFF is now making its films available -- for a limited time -- online, so don't miss this opportunity to check out what's on tap virtually from NYC!
We often promote the interesting programming offerings of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), and we're pleased to be able to share a YouTube video of American Prospect Editor-at-Large Harold Meyerson presenting his thoughts on the state of the American labor movement at Labor 2021: The Half-Full, Half-Empty Glass.
Happy viewing!
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Workers Unite! filmFest available online!
Films from the Workers Unite! film festival are now available online thru Oct 20th! Online Exclusives include the full series of 'Dissidents', highlighting current social revolts in Chile, and 'The Coke Cartel', which exposes the blatant corporate impunity of the Coca-Cola company.
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Films are available on-demand here.
All films are available to watch now. 'Unlock' and start watching before 11PM EST on Oct 20th; once you've started to watch, you have 24 hours to complete watching it. Click here to browse films by theme.
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Harold Meyerson on the Half-Full, Half-Empty State of American Labor
On the heels of declaring that the [link removed] strike is back in Hollywood and America
, American Prospect Editor-at-Large Harold Meyerson was invited by the D.C. chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), a group of union members, business executives, academics, and lawyers, to present his thoughts on the state of the American labor movement at an event called Labor 2021: The Half-Full, Half-Empty Glass. Moderated by D.C. LERA President Steve Sleigh, Meyerson gave a 15-minute overview of the current strike wave phenomenon followed by a 40-minute Q&A.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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