Dear Friend,
It’s now or never. Many of our most pressing demands for a Care Economy are on the line this week as Congress negotiates -- and as lawmakers like Senators Manchin and Sinema remain hold outs!
Your voice, presence, and power are urgently needed in DC to show that child care, paid family and medical leave, home-and community-based services, extending the Child Tax Credit expansion, living wages, and a path to citizenship for care workers can’t wait! These policies are job enabling and job creating. They boost our economy and our families, and we need them now!!
And these policies are on the line.
Congress is deliberating on these policies as you read this. You coming together (literally) with us will powerfully and directly show Congress that they need to get moving and pass the care infrastructure in the Build Back Better reconciliation package ASAP!
The ongoing pandemic continues to take its toll on families, businesses, and the economy, and we are just done -- DONE! -- with the slow downs in building the care infrastructure that’s outlined in the Biden Build Back Better plans, including the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan!
We’re outraged that Senator Manchin is demanding Congress choose only one care component in the Build Back Better plan. MomsRising and the entire Care Can’t Wait Coalition are fighting like hell for the FULL Build Back Better Act, including Child Care for All, Paid Family & Medical Leave, Home-and Community-Based Services, a permanent Child Tax Credit expansion, living wages, and a path to citizenship for all care workers.
We have a chance to make transformative changes for the better in our nation. Be there to help make it happen.
WHAT: #CareCantWait Power Up Rally!
WHEN: This Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 12:30pm
WHERE: Union Square on the west side of the Capitol lawn off 3rd Street SW, between Constitution Ave NW and Independence Ave SW; and near the Capitol Reflecting Pool (Section 15, See map). *This is an outdoor event. Masks are strongly suggested and supported (masks will be available to everyone).
WHO: Care Can't Wait Coalition & organized by MomsRising and many others, including: Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, Caring Across Generations, Family Values @ Work, Main Street Alliance, MomsRising, NCBCP/Black Women's Roundtable, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Partnership for Women and Families, National Women's Law Center, Paid Leave for All, SEIU, Supermajority, The Arc of the United States, UltraViolet, United State of Women, We Demand More Coalition, Women’s March, ZERO TO THREE, Building Back Together, and more.
Please forward this email to friends, family, and everyone you know who’s had enough. We need and deserve all the policies that create a Care Economy. Congress needs to prioritize families now!
In solidarity,
Kristin, Gloria, Namatie, Ruth, Nina, Nadia, Nate, Donna, Xochitl, Sili, Tola, and the entire MomsRising / MamásConPoder team
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