
The Radical Left wants to push more taxes, more inflation, and more chaos on the American people!

The Democrat’s priorities this year have not been the same as the American people’s. We have seen inflation reach over 5%, violent crime is running rampant in major cities, and our border has been flung wide open to the masses.

The elitist Democrat leaders don’t care about the quality of American lives like yours and mine. They care about scoring political points with their woke donor base so they can keep their current cast of career politicians in rotation. They don’t care about working Americans because they have abandoned us in favor of hard-core, Marxist politics!
The Left’s agenda spells out disaster for our nation. They want to drive up inflation even further, defund America’s law enforcement, and slash the border patrol's budget so anyone will be able to enter our country illegally! 

America deserves better than radical policies stripping the American people of their safety, security, and prosperity. We need strong policies to reinforce our police departments, drive down inflation and federal spending, and secure our borders.

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne