Dear Patriot, I know Dr. Paul has told you before about how Patriot Club monthly contributors are the backbone of everything Campaign for Liberty does. Their ongoing monthly support ensures Dr. Paul and I are able to anticipate the resources Campaign for Liberty will have on hand when we fight back against the latest statist schemes. As a token of our appreciation, Patriot Club monthly contributors receive exclusive items not available anywhere else. But that’s not all! Patriot Club members get automatic entry into special giveaways like the recent one for a framed “COME AND TAKE IT” Gonzales Flag personally autographed by Dr. Ron Paul! Patriot Club members also regularly receive a special digital newsletter – Norm’s Notes – where I personally provide our Patriot Club members with exclusive insight into our ongoing fight for limited government, sound money, and individual liberties. I can tell you the Swamp isn't a fun place, but because our fight for these principles is so important, we're doing all we can to make sure there's a voice for liberty on Capitol Hill. That's what the Patriot Club is all about and that's why I’ve included the most recent edition of our Norm's Notes Newsletter – straight from the Swamp – below, which I think you’ll enjoy. And as you scroll through, let me tell you what you’ll find: • First up is an update on the dangerous legislation Nancy Pelosi
brought to the House floor this week, clamping down on your free speech rights – the so-called “SHIELD ACT.” • Next, we’ll run through the results of our latest survey findings from Ron Paul Patriot Polls. And I’ll let you know how tens of thousands of Campaign for Liberty members responded on our recent Deep State Survey. . . . don’t worry, we’ve protected the names and answers of every individual. • Finally, the winner of our recent Patriot Club Giveaway sent in a photo showing off his handsome prize – check it out. After you read the update on the SHIELD Act and the results of our latest surveys, I hope you’ll consider taking just a brief moment to sign up for the Patriot Club today. It would truly mean a lot to Dr. Paul and I to know that you have our backs day-in and day-out. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do in support of Campaign for Liberty! In Liberty, Norm Singleton President ![]() No Speech for You or Winning the War
On Wednesday, the House passed the so-called SHIELD Act (H.R. 4617) – the dangerous “campaign finance” reform legislation I wrote you about earlier this week that would create new federal regulations on campaigns and online political advertising – including issue advocacy ads run by groups like Campaign for Liberty. I’ve been involved in grassroots political advocacy for long enough to know that anytime politicians start talking about “campaign finance reform,” you and I should be worried. You see this latest scheme passed by Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts in the House also contains the so-called “Honest Ads Act.” More accurately called the “No More Ads Act,” the legislation would limit the ability of groups like Campaign for Liberty to run Internet ads mobilizing pro-liberty Americans to turn the heat up on statist politicians on issues like Audit the Fed and gun control. . . But, whereas “campaign finance” reform bills once enjoyed bipartisan support, every Republican who voted, along with Independent Justin Amash and Democrat Collin Peterson, voted NO. The solid Republican opposition to the SHIELD Act is due in large part to the efforts of grassroots activists like you letting their GOP Representatives know that a vote for this latest campaign finance reform scheme is a really a vote against the First Amendment. . . As I’ve told you time and again, elected officials must understand that when they attack our First Amendment – or any of our rights – a price will be exacted from their political hides. After all, liberty won’t survive for very long if we allow our elected officials to sacrifice our First Amendment rights to win the applause of the political establishment and mainstream media. The unanimous Republican opposition makes it easier for Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell – who has been a longtime foe of restrictions on free speech masquerading as “camping finance reform” – to fend off any attempt by weak kneed Republicans like Mitt Romney to team up with Democrats and force the Senate to vote on the SHIELD Act. So, while it may seem like the cause of free speech suffered a setback yesterday, the truth is we may have lost the battle, but could win the war! And it’s all because of Campaign for Liberty activists like you who turn up the heat on the politicians and force them to take a stand for liberty and the Constitution. Dr. Paul’s Patriot Poll and Deep State Survey Find Strong Opposition to Deep State
Spying, Government Censorship, and “Green New Deal” Schemes; Overwhelming support for Second Amendment and Campaign for Liberty effort to Audit the Fed. The initial results are in and Dr. Paul’s Deep State Surveillance Survey found Campaign for Liberty’s members and supporters strongly oppose statist politicians and their Deep State pals’ massive surveillance powers and government spying programs, as well as their efforts to keep liberty lovers from speaking out against threats to liberty. Similarly, the latest Patriot Poll finds C4L members and supporters overwhelmingly in favor of efforts to FIGHT BACK against socialist schemes like the “Green New Deal,” the power of the Federal Reserve System to damage our economy, and attempts to gut the Second Amendment. • Over 12,000 patriots responded to the latest Ron Paul Patriot Poll and Deep State
Surveillance Survey.
• 99% of respondents opposed Congress passing sweeping new regulations on American's online speech. • 97% oppose the statists’ efforts to take complete control over Americans' lives and our economy with socialist "environmental" schemes like the "Green New Deal." • 97% oppose the anti-gun statists’ attempts to use the firestorm over impeachment to help strike a "deal" on gun confiscation and the slew of other anti-gun legislation. • Greater than nine out of ten responders support our efforts to Audit the Fed and oppose the current power the banksters have to damage our economy. • 97% oppose the Deep State having permanent spying powers to conduct dragnets of law-abiding Americans’ communications? These results provide a glimpse into the passionate views held by many Americans about government surveillance, socialist plots to take control of our economy, and statist assaults on our First Amendment and Second Amendment rights to free speech and to bear arms. With everything we face heading toward November 2020, these results give added confidence to the impact Campaign for Liberty is making thanks to thousands of individual supporters uniting their voices and FIGHTING BACK for liberty. “Come and Take It” Patriot Club Giveaway Winner! You may remember in the last edition of Norm’s Notes we announced that Mike W. of Cornelia, Georgia had won the framed “Come and Take It” Flag that Dr. Paul personally autographed for our recent Patriot Club Giveaway. Mike received his framed Gonzalez Flag and was kind enough to send us a photo of him holding his prize. ![]() We really appreciate Mike sending in the photo and the encouraging words he included. Thanks to all our Patriot Club monthly contributors for their generous sustaining contributions that lay the foundation for Campaign for Liberty’s battle to reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution! Keep an eye on your inbox for future giveaways and your chance to win a special prize. |