SAVE-THE-DATE, VAWA Senate day of action coming up on October 20th! Email not displaying correctly?
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Dear John,


Violence Against Women Act Senate Day of Action 

Join us on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 for a Senate Day of Action, with a 2 p.m. EDT Twitterstorm.

The House of Representatives passed H.R.1620 more than six months ago, but the Senate has yet to introduce a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that builds on H.R.1620 and includes all survivors.

We have to let the Senate know it's time to introduce a version of VAWA that builds upon the House version VAWA that serves all. Please use the hashtags #VAWA4All and #VAWA21 for the 2 p.m. EDT Twitterstorm and in all of your social media activity.

Additional ways to get involved!

Contact your Senator using this action alert, it takes two minutes! Send this link to friends and family, please feel free to circulate it widely!

Spread the word about the day of action on October 20 using the unbranded alert template in this toolkit. Then, use the templates in the toolkit to write and submit letters to the editor and op-eds in advance of (or on or after) the day of action - it’s very easy! The toolkit will be updated periodically with graphics and other materials for the Day of Action.

With respect,
Kiersten Stewart
Director of Public Policy and Advocacy 



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