Donate Now: Keep Virginia Blue


A new poll reported in Nate Silver’s 538 shows Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe hanging by a thread ↙↙↙

Virginia Governor Election

McAuliffe: 49% ↓↓↓

Youngkin: 49% ↑↑↑

Source: Emerson College

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Donate whatever you can right now to defeat Trump’s Republican and keep Virginia blue >>

FACT: Terry McAuliffe is now TIED with his Trump-endorsed Republican opponent.

FACT: If we lose this election, we can kiss goodbye to our chances against Trump’s Republicans in 2022.

Terry McAulliffe: If I were not to win this, this would be the comeback of Donald Trump...this would lift him off the mat

FACT: Polls close in just 2 weeks!!! We are launching cutting-edge ad programs to keep Virginia blue and DEFEAT Trump’s Republicans but we need support from grassroots donors like you ↙↙↙

If Terry loses, Trump and his Republicans with have a clear path to power. So we need your help right now before it’s too late. Rush a donation to SAVE Terry McAuliffe and KEEP Virginia blue >>>

Rush a $5 donation >>
Rush a $25 donation >>
Rush a $50 donation >>
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Rush a $250 donation  >>
Rush a custom amount >>

We can’t give up the fight.


Thank you for supporting MARCH ON PAC. Our Women-Led Team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in November and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

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MARCH ON PAC was created to harness the energy of grassroots organizers and empower community action to create progressive change all across the country.

This era isn’t just about taking back the White House. It’s about holding the House of Representatives, reclaiming the Senate and taking back control of state houses to ensure they represent the voices of women, youth and Black, Latinx and Asian Americans whose voices refuse to be marginalized any longer. We know that equity is essential to the advancement of our humanity as well as the economic, political and social progress of our country and world.

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