When it comes to Halloween candy, which obviously isn’t “health food”, do you think it matters what the ingredients are?
Some have told me: “I only buy it once a year, so I really don’t care what’s in it.”
While I understand where this way of thinking is coming from, is it really just one day?
When I was a kid my Halloween candy bucket was stuffed to the brim and I had candy for WEEKS. All of this candy was filled with artificial colors, preservatives, flavors and (of course) a ton of sugar. So, I was eating a steady supply of these ingredients for a very, very, long time. Sometimes my candy would last all the way until Christmas, when I’d get a stocking filled with even more candy. Then there is Valentine’s Day, Easter, birthdays, parties…
To be clear, I’m not saying you should never eat or allow your kids to have candy. But if you normally avoid artificial colors, flavors, and controversial preservatives, there is no reason to buy Halloween candy with scary ingredients “just one day a year".

It’s time for us to rethink how we do Halloween and stop buying these “treats” that aren’t doing anyone any favors.
The fastest way to get this junk out of our food is to refuse to buy products made with them. That’s why I choose to vote with my dollars, even when shopping for Halloween treats.
Here are some alternative Halloween candy swaps to try:
Know anyone buying Halloween candy with scary ingredients? I’m sure you do!
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