Tomorrow is the deadline to vote for the November 2021 Pennsylvania elections. Here’s what we think you should look out for.
October 18, 2021.
That’s tomorrow, John — and it's the last chance to register for the 2021 Pennsylvania elections on Tuesday, November 2.
Our team talks to you a looooot about the big elections happening in 2022, but I wanted to make sure you’re in the loop about the important PA municipal and judicial elections happening in *just* a few weeks.
We’re asking you today, John — urgently — to get ready for the November 2021 election by checking your registration status and registering to vote. Tomorrow is your last chance. Make sure that your family and neighbors are registered as well!
The stakes couldn’t be higher, John. We really need to make sure everyone we know is checking their registration status. As Political Director — part of my job is making sure that voters are prepared for every election here in PA. On November’s ballot we’re:
⚖️ Electing judges to the Pennsylvania courts, who act as our defense against far-right attacks on our state democracy. The Pennsylvania Democratic Party has put together a guide on our endorsed judges here.
🗳️ County and municipal offices will be on your November ballot, from townships and boroughs to your school districts. Make sure you look up who will be on your ballot ahead of receiving your ballot by mail or voting in person!
We’re working to elect John Fetterman to the U.S. Senate, but a healthy democracy starts with our local offices. After all, John proudly served as Mayor of Braddock for 15 years.
To ensure that our local offices are serving working families, just like John will in the U.S. Senate, we first have to make sure that every voter in PA is prepared for the 2021 November election. Join us in checking your voter registration, and the registration status of your loved ones.
Register to Vote in PA »
With your help, we’ll put the voices of working people in every office across our state.
Thank you for your diligence, and happy voting!
Celeste Trusty
Political Director
John Fetterman for U.S. Senate