From Yang2020 Merch <[email protected]>
Subject As a committed investor in our campaign, Yang Gang, your ideas on our upcoming merch are important.
Date October 26, 2019 5:17 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

The Yang Gang are the most dedicated supporters in the country and also
the best looking supporters, rocking MATH hats, Humanity First t-shirts
and “Not Left. Not Right. Forward.” hoodies.

As a committed investor in our campaign, Yang Gang, your ideas on
our upcoming merch are important and may decide what we end up rolling out

We’ve put together a quick merch survey to get your input:

[ [link removed] ]Take the Survey

Don’t miss out on sending in your feedback. As a thank you to those of you
who fill out the survey, we're giving a 10% discount that's valid until
the end of the month. [ [link removed] ]Submit your answers today!

Thanks, Yang Gang.

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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