John, can I count on you to make a donation before our campaign's major public fundraising deadline at 5:00 p.m. on Oct. 20? Let me explain why this matters.

We’re in the middle of a war over the future of our democracy. As the top election official in Michigan, I’ve lived it and seen firsthand the dangerous, coordinated campaign to undo democracy being waged in Michigan and around the country.

Their goal is to make it harder to vote and easier to overturn election results they don’t like. And they want to cause so much confusion and spread so much misinformation that people give up on democracy -- and holding them accountable -- altogether.

The only way to win is to stay engaged and refuse to give up or fall short when it matters most. That's why this public filing deadline is so important for all of us: It’s when we show the strength of our campaign to stop them. When our fundraising numbers go public, the democracy deniers need to see exactly how committed we are to stopping them. Falling short of our goal is as good as handing them our future.

Your donation could be the one that keeps the power in our hands and allows us to keep holding leaders accountable. So I'm counting on you to make that donation before our Oct. 20 deadline, and we only have a few days left. Right now, will you help or hit our goal before Michigan's official public deadline, hold democracy deniers accountable, and defend our future?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately and will be split between Jocelyn Benson's re-election campaign and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Donate $5 immediately Donate $10 immediately
Donate $15 immediately Donate $20 immediately
Donate $50 immediately Donate $100 immediately

Or, donate another amount.



-- Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State




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