Dear Patriot,
Tyranny knows no political party and no specific ideology. It
is brute force for the health of the state and knows no logic or remorse. When faced with
complete and total medical tyranny that seemed to appear all at once, what are free people like you and me to do in order to stop it?
Bad actors and power hungry mini-tyrants at all levels of government, from the President of the United States on
down to a local health board, WILL NOT willingly give up the power they have seized since March 2020.
That’s where we stand. So, what’s to be done about it?
Of course there is a need for legislation and even lawsuits as we make our way through this authoritarian nightmare.
But it will take more than those things. . .
You and I MUST stand for liberty and refuse to comply with unconstitutional mandates, or risk leaving our children and grandchildren to suffer the
consequences. Resistance is imperative because even the bravest of
statesmen who are willing to stand up to this machine of medical terror cannot stop it without people in large numbers simply refusing to comply. No number of enterprising attorneys will be successful either.
There are no knights in shining armor, and nobody is coming to save us.
It’s up to you and me. Since the so-called 15 days to slow the spread plan was announced
early last year, the medical tyrants led by Dr. Fauci have been taking every inch given by a mostly obedient
public. Have Americans learned yet that dutifully complying with the lockdowns,
mask mandates, and now Biden’s employer-vaccination-mandate-by-fiat are only making the situation worse?
There are signs that this realization is starting to sink in.
Last week, employees of Southwest Airlines were said to have started a chain reaction of silent resistance to vaccination mandates by
calling out of work. Thousands of flights were canceled. Then it spread to other
airlines. What was the result of this action?
Southwest’s CEO announced publicly that he doesn’t want any employee to be fired for not getting the COVID jabs and gave them a path
to exemption from the requirement. This kind of resistance can crush medical tyranny.
Now others are standing up to the mandates, including police and sheet metal workers, among others. I think this is just the beginning.
At Campaign for Liberty, we’ve been screaming from the rooftops that you cannot negotiate with the medical tyrants,
because what you’ll end up with is constant dictates and requirements just to work or participate in society.
Patriot, simply put, the accelerating medical tyranny will take everything from you, if you let it.
It’s very hard for me to write this, but we are going to need your help in order to continue on.
Fighting against this medical tyranny along with all the other battles we’ve been waging against the totally
corrupt political class has come at a VERY steep price. I am urging you to rush a donation of $1,000, $250, $150,
$75, or MORE if you can afford it! Your generous donation will be used to fund
Campaign for Liberty’s aggressive programs to stop medical tyranny which kicked into high gear after the COVID outbreak. We’ve been
right the whole time and will continue to fight for YOU. There are plenty of examples of people fighting back, not complying
and eventually winning their battles with the COVID dictatorship, even without many others doing the same.
More are being reported every day. Just imagine what would happen if NOBODY complied
– this crisis would be over quickly. And not complying doesn’t mean you can’t
choose to take the vaccine or wear a mask. It simply means you will stand for liberty and against tyranny by opposing such things as “vaccine
passports” and mandates passed down from on high. Just as my son, Senator Rand Paul said
recently – “they can’t arrest us all.” When a U.S. Senator is telling
the public that it’s time for non-compliance with authoritarian decrees . . . it’s probably time!
The Washington Times released an article on Friday detailing the lack of an actual law or executive order thus far
concerning Biden’s vaccine mandate: Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor also announced Thursday that there’s
no federal rule requiring employers in his state to require their workers to get COVID-19 shots.
“I urge Oklahoma employers to disregard the Biden Administration’s wishes to the contrary,” said Mr. O’Connor, a Republican.
“In the event federal emergency rules are issued that place such an unlawful demand upon employers, our office will be joined by other state
Attorneys General across the country to quickly sue and seek an injunction against any implementation or enforcement.”
He said his residents should have a right to make their own health decisions.
Right now, they’re relying on Biden’s big bluff
and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s hubris. Fauci has been relentlessly pushing for mandated COVID
vaccinations, saying that personal freedom to opt out of the COVID jab goes out the window entirely:
“We've got to do mitigation, put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties.” – Anthony
Fauci Fauci hasn’t lived
in reality for decades, and he’s been wrong about nearly everything since this pandemic began.
Americans must stop listening to Fauci, Biden, and all the mini tyrants that their useless health mandates have enabled.
Campaign for Liberty has been on the front lines fighting against them from day one of this cooked-up Coronacrisis,
which is why we need your help now more than ever. Patriot, I am counting on you to rush a donation of $250,
$150, $75, or whatever you can afford today, or I’m afraid we’ll have to start making cuts to our programs.
No amount of obedience will get our country out of this mess. I see hopeful signs of resistance popping up everywhere, but much more is needed to stop us from
losing every ounce of medical freedom we have left. For Liberty,
 Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman
P.S. There is no limit to what freedoms Dr. Fauci and his band of mini medical dictators will take from us if the public continues to obey him.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help to stop a repeat of 2020 AND 2021. Please consider a generous donation of $250, $150, $75,
or whatever you can afford now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please
click here. ________________________________________________
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots