Are you ready for accountability?

Tim Alexander For Congress

John, to say that I am infuriated is an understatement.

I just read that Jeff Van Drew used a CNN interview to campaign for Donald Trump’s 2024 bid. But he didn’t just root for Trump’s return, he refused to say President Biden legitimately won last year.

And on top of everything, Van Drew falsely claimed that Trump didn't call for violence on January 6th.

I am sick and tired of Jeff Van Drew’s spineless leadership. If you agree, will you chip in $24.12 (our average contribution) before tonight’s mid-month deadline to help me defeat this traitor?

Time and again, Jeff Van Drew failed to distance himself from the guy who STILL claims the 2020 election was rigged and the deadly insurrection was a “love fest.”

The truth is Van Drew is just another two-faced politician. And I won’t let Donald Trump, Jeff Van Drew, or any other anti-democratic leader burn our country to the ground. But I can’t bring accountability to Washington without your support, John.

Can I count on your $24.12 contribution before tonight’s big deadline to help me unseat Jeff Van Drew?

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Thanks for your support,

Tim Alexander

Tim Alexander

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Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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