Let's send a message to Majority Leader McConnell.
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I ran for Congress to reduce the relentless pursuit of money in our politics, to clean up corruption, and to strengthen our democracy.

And you know what? We're getting that work done in the U.S. House! But now we're up against a Mitch McConnell-shaped roadblock and I need your help.

As you read this, there's legislation sitting on the majority leader's desk that would take major steps toward all of those goals. It's H.R. 1, the For the People Act -- but he refuses to hold a vote on it. That's outrageous, and it's why I'm asking you to call out his shameful obstruction today.

Let's send a message to Mitch McConnell: Enough with the partisan deadlock. Let the Senate vote on this critical legislation. Our democracy depends on it!


When we introduced the For the People Act in the House, Mitch McConnell called it a "power grab." And you know what? I agree. It's a power grab for the people -- and away from the special interests. It's exactly what our country needs.

Corporations and industry lobbyists have been buying influence in Washington for decades. They've spent millions on breaking the system so that they could rebuild it in their favor. But voters like you responded in 2018, electing dozens of new representatives -- including me -- to put people first.

Not corporations. Not PACs. People.

Taking the lead to help pass the For the People Act was a top priority for me when I came to Congress -- and we should be incredibly proud that it passed the House. Now, I need your help to keep it moving.

Add your name next to mine to demand that McConnell let the Senate vote on the For the People Act -- and ask your friends to do the same.

Thanks for standing with me,




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