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Dear Friend,

Normally each Saturday I send you a policy update. Today, I wanted to share with you a progress report on what we have achieved over the past few months as Mississippi’s leading free-market advocacy organization.

Growing our audience: We have dramatically increased our audience across the state. Almost 60,000 people have signed up to hear from us each week. We are on target to reach 100,000 subscribers!  


School Choice: With so little progress made on school choice over the years, we believe it is time for a fundamentally different approach. Working with a coalition of partners, we are helping draft several key reforms that simply have not been tried before.

Free speech: Administrators at Ole Miss tried to punish "Young Americans for Freedom" for celebrating the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall without permission. Really. But we threatened action, and they backed down – ensuring a victory for free speech on campus.

Getting our message across: Tens of thousands of Mississippians watch our online output! Here are some examples of our most viral videos, Prince Harry is Wrong! and Who Are the Highest-Paid Mississippi Public Officials?

Combating Critical Race Theory: We published a bill in order to help educate policymakers on how to tackle this divisive ideology.

Taking on the Fat Cats: Our report into the highest-paid public officials in the state caused a stir when we revealed how much public money was being spent by officials on themselves. We will soon be publishing a proposal to ensure taxpayers aren’t ripped off.

Thank you for all that you do to encourage and support the cause of liberty. We would not be able to do what we do without you!

Have a great weekend!


Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps: Below you can find some of the latest media coverage on our most recent policy paper!
Douglas recently published on op-ed related to our CRT report in the Sun Herald. Click to read.
The nationally-recognized Associated Press covered our report. Click to read.
WLBT stopped by the office to interview Douglas. Click to watch.
Douglas stopped by SuperTalk to break down the report and explain why he believes CRT is so incredibly dangerous to the republic. Click to watch.
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