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Weekend Edition, October 15th, 2021


How Much Is Truth Worth to You?

Bill Sardi

Why Won’t the US Medical Establishment “Believe Women”?

Covid-19 vaccines do not warn about menstrual disruption. Marcie Smith Parenti

The Great New Normal Purge

C.J. Hopkins

Vaxx Skullduggery Exposed

Karen Kingston exposes Vaxx patents defined purposes on Stew Peters show.

Mass Death Ahead

Line Dinh

Massive Infiltration of Feds on Jan. 6

Rumble Video

Doctor Says Physicians Are Being “Hunted” For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards

Paul Joseph Watson

Why Smart People Are Stupid

Bionic Mosquito

Empty Christmas Stockings? Blame California

Andrea Widburg

A Formula for Understanding

Brian Wilson

We Can’t Sit This Out: We’re Dealing With a ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ To Usher in Global Socialism

Dr. Douglas Farrow

Vaxxer Regime Has a Real Problem Denying Natural Immunity

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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