We’re halfway through October, team, and our fundraising is falling behind. We’re just 207 grassroots donations shy of our mid-month goal, and we need your help to get there.
We’ve received 93 contributions this week. But as you can see, donations have begun to slow down. We need all hands on deck if we want to reach our fundraising goal before the mid-month deadline.
Hitting this goal will help Susie’s campaign maintain its momentum and show just how much support she has. Can we count on you to be one of the 207 donors we need to meet our mid-month fundraising goal?
Susie won her last election by just three points. Since then, Republicans have lined up 5 MAGA conservatives to try and unseat her.
We can’t let them win. It’s up to us to keep Susie’s seat blue and reaching this mid-month fundraising goal is the best way you can help us do just that.
We need 207 donations to hit this mid-month fundraising goal. Will you be one of them? Will you chip in $15, or anything you can, to help us keep NV-03 blue?
With your support, we know we can reach this goal.
Thank you for all your support,
Team Susie Lee