2021 NOC Invitation 5 x 7.png
Night of Compassion was a HUGE success! 

More Than Ever we saw the community come together in a BIG way to support homeless pregnant and parenting mothers and their sweet babies in the Kansas City area.

Because of your compassionate hearts, we were able to hit our goal and raise $342,027 for the shelter and program at Mother's Refuge!

We can't thank you enough for your love and support!

Stay Connected!

At Night of Compassion, Alonzia shared her beautiful story of how Mother's Refuge changed her and her daughter's life.

Your giving is changing lives - two at a time.

Support Mother's Refuge


Bret Kolman,

CEO of Centerpoint

Medical Center,

on receiving the

Night of Compassion

2021 Humanitarian Award!

A BIG thank you to our Presenting sponsor Dynamic Fastener. We appreciate your support!


Thank you to Alec and Alison Cook with Continental Siding for being our 2021 Honorary Co-Chairs! You helped make the event a HUGE success!

From ALL of us at Mother's Refuge,

Thank you SO much for your compassion!