
In June, at the North Carolina Republican Party convention Donald Trump endorsed Ted Budd, a far-right member of Congress for North Carolina's open U.S. Senate seat.

Ted Budd, a Freedom Caucus member, is a far-right extremist who voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election results while proudly promoting Trump’s election fraud conspiracy theories.

Budd even voted against critical pandemic relief funds for North Carolinians in need, then turned around and took out $10 million PPP loan for himself.

Government assistance for me, not thee seems to be the motto of Republicans.

Republicans only need to win one seat to take back the Senate majority, unless we flip seats they currently hold. That's why it's critical we're on offense anywhere we can win and North Carolina is one of our best opportunities to pick up a Senate seat and Flip the South at the same time.

With your help, we can beat Ted Budd or whatever corporate lackey comes out of the Republican primary and elect Cheri Beasley, a champion for the people that has dedicated her life to public service and understands that Washington must represent the needs of working people, not the well-connected.

Help DFA Flip the South in North Carolina by ensuring Cheri has the resources it’ll take to beat Republicans at the ballot box in 2022: make a contribution of $10 or more right now.

For years Republicans have had a stranglehold on the south by using various dirty voter suppression tactics that focus on disenfranchising people of color, young adults, and seniors.

Cheri Beasley overcame these institutional barriers when she won her 2014 race for Associate Justice of the North Carolina State Supreme Court.

Now though, Republicans are already pulling out all of the anti-democratic tricks in the book in an attempt to stop the grassroots movement Cheri Beasley has built over the years as she runs to replace outgoing Republican Senator Richard Burr.

The North Carolina state legislature has introduced numerous voter suppression bills all aimed at regaining a majority in the U.S. Senate and ensuring that Richard Burr is replaced by another corporate sellout.

With your support, we can replace Richard Burr with Cheri Beasley, who began her career as a public defender and became the first Black woman to ever serve as Chief Justice of the North Carolina State Supreme Court.

Will you rush a donation right now and help make history as we work to elect the first Black U.S. senator from North Carolina and flip this extremely important seat from red to blue?

Thank you for powering our work to flip the South and win a crucial Senate seat in North Carolina.

— Chris

Chris Scott
Chief Political Officer
Democracy for America