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by Jake Johnson, staff writer The Republican stunt "essentially shut down the impeachment inquiry for a time," said the Washington Post 's Rachel Bade.
by Andrea Germanos, staff writer Outside of Pittsburgh conference, activists declare, "We need to step up today and protect our water! Because without water there is no life."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer "Young people polled across the country have consistently chosen Bernie as their guy. Maybe it's because they know he's gonna cancel student debt!" said Sanders adviser Winnie Wong.
by Julia Conley, staff writer A "explosive" closed-door testimony by William Taylor, a career diplomat who sharply questioned the Trump administration's attempts over the summer to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, could begin a "sea change" in House Democrats' impeachment inquiry against the president, according to lawmakers who were in the room.
by Eoin Higgins, staff writer To get "sweeping policies enacted," says The Leap, "our movements have started taking the next step: winning elections and entering government."
by Julia Conley, staff writer The Trump administration's aggressive efforts to monitor who is benefiting from government assistance programs has appeared to have what critics say is their desired effect—pushing more than a million children off Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program in less than two years.
by Eoin Higgins, staff writer "There is an America that most people believe in," said Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. "It is an ideal. It's not a reality yet."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer "To the U.S. Army who are leaving northeast Syria, tell your children that the children of the Kurds were killed by the Turks and you did nothing to protect them."
by Julia Conley, staff writer The acidification of the Earth's oceans, which climate scientists warn is a dangerous effect of continued carbon emissions, was behind a mass extinction event 66 million years ago, according to a new study.