Sign the Petition: Don’t let future presidents abuse their power over the Justice Department like Donald Trump did >>
John -- last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee released an explosive new report that reveals just how far then-President Trump was willing to go to overturn the results of the 2020 election. [1]
The committee’s findings focus on Trump and his relationship with Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department official who was handpicked to do Trump’s dirty work. Following the 2020 election, Clark -- who claimed he had met with the President personally -- urged the Acting Attorney General to help overrule the voters in swing states that Joe Biden had won.
When his request was refused, Clark took things to the next level -- claiming that Trump was going to make him Attorney General if the Justice Department didn’t comply. In response, several top DOJ officials threatened to resign en masse.
Sign Now: Trump blatantly abused his presidential influence -- and Congress must act immediately to ensure that it can never happen again.
The Justice Department -- which is supposed to uphold our nation’s laws, not act on debunked conspiracy theories at the president’s behest -- was totally upended by Trump’s unprecedented actions. This was a major red line, and we now know just how close Trump came to crossing it.
Even more concerning: unless Congress takes bold action, future presidents could follow Trump’s lead -- exploiting DOJ relationships to politicize the department, push phony election fraud claims, and keep themselves in office.
The Protecting Our Democracy Act, which was introduced in the House and Senate earlier this fall, would strengthen independent oversight of White House/Justice Department relations. It would help ensure that the DOJ stays apolitical -- and that no president could abuse their power over the department like Trump did.
If you agree that the Protecting Our Democracy Act can’t wait, add your name to urge Congress to pass it immediately.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Strategies Manager
and the team at Common Cause
1) Staff Report FINAL.pdf