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** The unprecedented attack on workers’ rights by the agency charged with safeguarding them ([link removed])
“Under the Trump administration, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has systematically rolled back workers’ rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers,” warns a new EPI report ([link removed]) by Celine McNicholas, Margaret Poydock, and Lynn Rhinehart. The authors detail the many ways the board has “elevated corporate interests above those of working people,” to the detriment of workers, their communities, and the economy. Among the board’s anti-worker conduct: acting on 10 out of 10 items on the wish list ([link removed]) of the largest corporate lobby, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Read the report » ([link removed])
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** The unprecedented attack on workers’ rights by the agency charged with safeguarding them
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** EPI events highlight women in economics and the future of family care ([link removed])
EPI’s expert team of women economists traveled to New York City on Tuesday, October 22, for the Women in Economics Forum ([link removed]) , where they discussed issues facing workers and their families. On Tuesday, October 29, at noon, EPI will host Changing Thinking in Economics and Changing the Profile of Economists: Women in Economics Forum, DC Edition ([link removed]) (visit epi.org ([link removed]) on October 29 to watch the livestream). On Wednesday, November 6, at noon, join EPI, the National Academy of Social Insurance, and Caring Across Generations for The Future of Work and Care: Universal Family Care ([link removed]) , as we discuss strategies to meet families’ evolving care needs. Read about the events »
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EPI’s women economists with board member Teresa Ghilarducci
Left to right: Heidi Shierholz, Jhacova Williams, Emma García, Valerie Wilson, Monique Morrissey, Teresa Ghilarducci, EPI President Thea Lee, and Elise Gould
** The State of Working America podcast ([link removed])
EPI launched the State of Working America podcast ([link removed]) on Tuesday, October 15, to share the stories of working people and to explain the research behind EPI’s progressive policy agenda. Episode 1 ([link removed]) features Valerie Wilson, director of EPI’s Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy (PREE), talking about the central role of race in the American economy. In Episode 2 ([link removed]) , President Barack Obama’s former deputy labor secretary Chris Lu explores the decline of worker power in recent decades, changing workforce demographics, and Donald Trump’s destructive anti-worker agenda. Subscribe to the podcast » ([link removed])
** From the EPI blog
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** EPI in the news
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In a special Halloween episode of NPR’s Planet Money ([link removed]) , EPI’s Heidi Shierholz said she is spooked by news that “about half a million fewer jobs were added in 2018 and 2019 than were previously thought.” According to Shierholz, the big gap between the revised and the original estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests the economy is shifting in a negative direction. | Scary Stories from the Eek-conomy » ([link removed])
In an NPR All Things Considered ([link removed]) segment on workers striking around the country, EPI’s Larry Mishel explained, “The workforce has been a tinderbox waiting to be lit. If people see a way that they can solve their problems for themselves and their communities, they’re going to take it.” | ‘It’s Time to Get Something Back’: Union Workers’ Voices Are Getting Louder » ([link removed])
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EPI economist Monique Morrissey addressed America’s retirement crisis in a CNN op-ed ([link removed]) about strong Social Security plans, citing EPI research findings on prime-age labor force participation ([link removed]) and the benefits of Social Security expansion ([link removed]) . | These Social Security Plans Could Help Solve America’s Retirement Crisis » ([link removed])
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EPI senior economist Robert Scott appeared on BNN Bloomberg ([link removed]) to discuss trade in China and how China’s economic slowdown will affect the global economy. | China Feeling Less Pressure to Secure a Trade Deal with U.S.: Economist » ([link removed])
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“Modest increases in nominal wages, however welcome, are not going to solve the deeper problems in American capitalism,” EPI board member Teresa Ghilarducci wrote in a Forbes ([link removed]) op-ed ([link removed]) . Ghilarducci cited EPI’s Nominal Wage Tracker ([link removed]) , which shows that nominal wage growth has been far below target in the current recovery. | Don’t Cheer Too Much for Rising Wages—Profits Are Still Too Damn High » ([link removed])
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Trump’s NLRB is eroding workers’ rights
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