Will you volunteer today?

Friend --

Less than a year after grassroots donors and volunteers across the country delivered a resounding defeat to Donald Trump in the 2020 election, Trumpism has reared its ugly head once more — this time in Virginia.

Five times now, Donald Trump has announced a full-throated endorsement of Glenn Youngkin, the self-funding extreme Republican nominee for the Governor’s race who already spent millions of his own dollars on this election.

Let me tell you, extremist Republicans will stop at nothing to get their hand-picked candidate elected Governor. Help my friend Terry McAuliffe take on Donald Trump’s hand-picked candidate by signing up to volunteer for Democrats in Virginia today.

As we saw during the events of January 6th, leaving Trumpism unchecked in any corner of our country is not an option.

It’s on us to fight back against the return of Trumpism. We must unite behind a proven leader like Terry McAuliffe, who has taken on Republican extremism before — and won.

Please, sign up to volunteer with Terry’s campaign to help Terry defeat right-wing extremism in Virginia for good.

Believe me — I know a dangerous Republican extremist when I see one.

– Hillary

Onward Together
120 W 45th Street
New York, NY 10036
United States

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