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Top Articles Weekly

Read our editor’s picks for the week:

Climate Justice: A Global Movement for Life

Social movements are taking the lead in setting the frame for climate justice. Read more…
5 Tips to Pitch Your Nonprofit Data Integration Strategy
This guide describes the challenges facing nonprofits today, the importance of data integration, and provides five practical steps to obtain buy-in – and help ensure your organization’s capacity to reach business goals and grow.
Download the Guide here.

Land Back: A Necessary Act of Reparations

Land Back must happen so that all other aspects of Indigenous livelihood can return with it. As a metanarrative, it helps unite Indigenous people for our collective liberation. Read more...
Improve Equity in Your Grantmaking with #FixTheForm
The data is clear: Small fixes to grant application forms can have a lasting impact. As grantmakers look to improve equity and reduce the burden for grant seekers, what top pain points need to be relieved to streamline processes and support mission-driven work? Access this on-demand webinar for a discussion on how to correct the worst elements of funding application forms that waste time, money, and grantmaking resources.
Watch the On-Demand Webinar

From Crisis to Capacity: 20 Years of Philanthropy after 9/11

After decades of crisis-driven funding, a new phase of visionary investment amplifies leadership and promotes lasting empowerment in Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian American communities. Read more...
At SPIA, We Serve
Looking to lead in the nonprofit space? Consider a fully funded graduate degree from Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs — a community driven by public service.
At SPIA, We Care

The Challenge of Diversity in the Environmental Movement

Dorceta Taylor is one of the nation’s leading scholars in the field of environmental justice. In this animation, the Yale University professor shares her poem Thoughts on Being in the Environment While Black, which powerfully explores the risks Black people face when they attempt to enjoy nature, whether going for a jog in their own neighborhoods or simply watching birds in Central Park. Read more...

Tough Times, Tougher Nonprofits
Can you lead your organization through any storm? Learn from Joan Garry the 5 steps to a thriving and resilient nonprofit in uncertain times. 
Read More
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