If we want to ensure care isn’t cut from the budget, Speaker Pelosi needs to hear from YOU today.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

John - We are so close to a historic win for home care workers!

Call your Senator TODAY to ask them to keep on fighting to pass the Build Back Better act with FULL FUNDING for home and community based services!   

CALL 1-855-637-5982



John — Congress is busy negotiating the amount for the Build Back Better plan. We need to ensure that home and community-based services (HCBS) receive a meaningful investment. A reduction in the funding amount will impact workers and those in need of home care. We can't let this happen.

Your Senator needs to hear from you TODAY. The call only takes two minutes but will go a long way in letting our elected officials know that we are not giving up.

When you call, introduce yourself. Then, say:

"I am calling to ask my Senator to support the Build Back Better Act with a full investment in home and community-based services and a path to citizenship for immigrant workers and families.” 

Take action TODAY and urge your senator to deliver a reconciliation package with a full investment in HCBS.

This investment would raise wages for care workers — most of whom are women of color — to ensure they’re able to build financial security for themselves and their families and it will strengthen our care infrastructure by:


CALL 1-855-637-5982

Thanks for all that you do,

Celeste Faison
Director of Campaigns, National Domestic Workers Alliance