Dear John:
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself: My name is Basi Alonso, the new Political Director at New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF) and New American Leaders (NAL).
My immigrant story begins at the age of 3 when I left Puebla, Mexico to reunite with my dad in New York. We left everything behind for the opportunity to live together in safety. But safety, even here, wasn't always easy to find. Growing up in the shadows meant living under constant fear of being discovered, of being separated from my family and the only home I'd ever known. There were many days where I felt hopeless and exhausted from having my humanity and the humanity of my family and my community constantly denied.

In college, my life changed when I found a community of brave undocumented youth who were just like me using their stories and experiences to fight for our rights and humanity. Thanks to my community, I was able to come out of the shadows and realize my power.
I feel similarly about the community that NALAF is building. NALAF is committed to a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting progressive New Americans of color as they run for office, engaging new voters, and expanding civic engagement. Through a thoughtful endorsement process, we identified 45 endorsees this cycle, in addition to 9 NALAF Champions—a category that highlights and uplifts our NAL alums who are taking the plunge to run for office. Between our primary and general election wins so far, NALAF is proud to share that we have a 65% win rate this cycle!
NALAF is unique because we have created a political ecosystem to connect our endorsees in different states to each other—something that’s essential for first-time candidates facing a hostile political environment that favors white, wealthy, establishment candidates. We are sensitive to the distinct challenges of running as an immigrant and endorse early, offer technical support and training as legally permissible, and provide referrals to consultants and other endorsers.
We have big plans for the November elections and beyond, to help uplift you and other New Americans and people of color, in order to elect the leadership and progressive policies that we deserve. But this experiment will only be successful if we have a strong community backing us up. I hope you will continue joining us for the ride, and I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish together! ✊🏽✊🏿✊🏼✊🏾
In solidarity,
Basi Alonso
Political Director
New American Leaders Action Fund, New American Leaders