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Texas Pro-Life

Court Again Lets Texas Abortion Law Stand

Texas can continue banning enforcing its tough new abortion restriction after a federal appeals court on Thursday rejected the Biden administration's latest attempt to undo a novel law that has become the nation's biggest curb to the practice in nearly 50 years.

It pushes the Texas law closer to returning to the U.S. Supreme Court, which in September allowed the state to move ahead with banning abortions once cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks. No exceptions are made in cases of rape or incest.

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Protestors in
Italy shown demonstrating at local ports

Protests and blockades greet new Italy Covid rules

Protesters massed at some of Italy's major ports Friday as thousands took to the streets against the introduction of one of the world's toughest Covid pass regimes.


John Deere Tractors shown on display at an unknown dealer

More than 10,000 John Deere workers on strike after rejecting contract

Thousands of John Deere workers walked off the job early Thursday after members of the United Auto Workers union rejected the tractor maker's contract offer, launching the latest strike by an emboldened labor movement.


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