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Dear Friend,

How many times has a friend or family member asked you: “What is this Austrian economics stuff you’re always talking about?”

What if you could hand them a small book, not much more than a pamphlet, and say: “Here, read this”? What if you could change their entire world view, even their path in life, with one simple volume?

We plan to publish exactly such a book later this year, but we need you! Professor Per Bylund has agreed to write it, and he’s committed to creating an Austrian primer unlike any other. Your support will make it happen.

Surely, you ask, such a book already exists? Surely there are good and worthy introductions to the Austrian school published in the past?

Well, yes and no. There are introductory books, but most are either too old, too stale, or too expensive—one academic publishing house charges $83 for an “advanced” introduction of scarcely 100 pages! These books are fine, but they’re not grabbing anyone’s attention and certainly not providing the one-stop tool we need for outreach.

This project is different. We’ve asked Dr. Bylund to produce nothing less than a simplified Austrian school version of Henry Hazlitt’s great Economics in One Lesson. The book will be short, pithy, and written with force. The end result will be roughly 30,000 words, or perhaps half the length of Hazlitt’s classic.
Click here for full letter.
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