Grassley Direct

On my weekly "Capitol Hill Report," I spoke with Ed Funston of KILR in Estherville and Janine Kock of the Westside Observer about the Seeding Rural Resilience Act and the impeachment inquiry.

Q&A: Insulin Price Investigation

Q. What prompted you to investigate insulin prices?
Q. How would your bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act use price transparency to drive down prices?

Quick Links

Today, October 26, is the 18th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This is a national program to provide a safe, convenient and anonymous way to dispose of unused prescription drugs. Drug take-back programs are an important part of an all-of-the-above strategy for combatting the opioid crisis in our country. Senator Ernst and I encourage Iowans to find their nearest collection site and participate. To find an authorized collection site, contact the DEA Office of Diversion Control’s Registration Call Center at 800/822-9539 or visit and enter a city, county, state or zip code to find the location most convenient for you.

Iowa has a rich history of supporting our nation’s military. But as time passes, the stories of our service members can be lost. Sadly, the history and lessons they learned are often lost with them. That’s why I’m working to help preserve these tales of bravery through the Veterans History Project. Nearly 220,000 veterans call Iowa home. Each of their stories deserve to be heard. Last fall, I invited Iowans to take part in my first Veterans History Project Day at the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum in Johnston. Twenty Iowa veterans and many of their families took part in the event. Earlier this year, I was honored to deliver their recorded interviews and military documents to the Library of Congress, where they will be cataloged and made available to the public. Read more on my ongoing efforts in my op-ed here.

Saving for retirement isn’t an easy thing to do. And today retirement saving often ranks low on many Americans’ priority lists. Complicating things further are additional factors, such as the rise in popularity of employment in the on-demand economy and increased job changes. Earlier this year, along with Senator Ron Wyden or Oregon and I introduced the bipartisan Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act to address the changing environment. The workplace retirement system is the primary way American workers save for retirement. As our economy changes, retirement savings must change. Read more in my op-ed here.

The Marine Corps has identified another one of the Marines pictured in the iconic Iwo Jima flag photograph as Corporal Harold Keller of Brooklyn, Iowa. Keller never sought recognition or fame. He never mentioned to his children that he had helped raise the flag. Seventy-four years later, I am proud that this Iowan is finally being recognized for his role in making history. Watch my floor speech here.

Post of the Week


Q&A w high school students from the Natl Council on Youth Leadership & Global Leadership Connection

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