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Inflation Up; Biden's Approval Down

Under President Joe Biden and his handlers, inflation is skyrocketing faster than William Shatner’s rocket into space. And, make no mistake, Biden’s inflation is a tax on all Americans, hitting lower and middle income families the hardest. Over the last year, inflation rose 8.6%, the largest increase since 2010 (when Joe Biden was Vice President). Everything is more expensive now than it was last year. Gas, groceries, construction materials, household items, have all gone up. These “hidden” tax increases on everything you purchase are the direct results of Biden and his handlers’ leftwing radicalism. So, keep that in mind when the President claims he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year… he already has broken that promise!

In fact, one struggles to find any area that has actually improved since Joe Biden, his handlers, and the radical left Democrats came into office in DC. We’ve covered inflation. His leadership on the pandemic is muddled, inconsistent, and confusing, despite his promise to "shut down the virus." Thousands of illegal, unvaccinated immigrants are pouring through the border and being released into the United States. The lingering effects of Biden’s Afghanistan debacle are still being felt and we still have Americans left behind and the Taliban-controlled country. Our standing on the world stage has cratered, China is getting more aggressive, supply chains are breaking, and now the IRS will start snooping into every checking account in America.  We’re not even a year in and the unchecked power of the Biden administration has been a complete disaster for the American people.

Thankfully, we have an opportunity to halt Biden’s leftward lunge and reverse the damage he and his handlers are inflicting on our economy. The 2022 election gives us the opportunity to send conservative majorities back to Washington and your Indiana Republican Party is laying the groundwork now to make sure the Hoosier State does our part to send Senator Todd Young and our House delegation back to Washington. Please reach out to our team if you are looking for ways to help.


Photo: Chairman Hupfer speaks at last week's Allen County Bean Dinner

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Building One Indiana For All

Governor Holcomb joined Saab to celebrate the opening of their new West Lafayette facility. Hoosiers at this facility will build components for the US Air force T-7A Redhawk. Together we are continuing to drive innovation and redefine the future of aerospace.

Governor Holcomb was on hand for another huge announcement! Israel-based Doral Renewables LLC, a developer of renewable energy projects, broke ground on phase one of the company's three-phase solar farm project. This project is expected to deliver a $1.5 billion investment in the company's Indiana operations.

Photos: Gov. Holcomb celebrating the grand opening of Saab's new West Lafayette facility. Gov. Holcomb breaking ground on Doral Renewables LLC's solar farm project.


Chairman Hupfer Op-Ed

This week Chairman Hupfer penned an op-ed for the Daily Caller discussing another Democrat attempt to takeover state elections.

Read his piece here:


Diversity Series Applications

Applications are now open for the second class of the Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series. Click here to apply.


Lt Gov. Crouch is Fighting For Hoosiers

This week, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch joined 14 other Republican lieutenant governors to urge Biden to reverse his decision to seize distribution of monoclonal antibody therapies for COVID-19. This unjustified attack is keeping lifesaving treatment from Americans.

Read their full letter to Biden here:


Hoosiers to Receive Automatic Tax Credit

Fiscally conservative, Republican leadership works. Auditor Tera Klutz has announced that $1.1 billion will be returned to Hoosiers as an automatic tax credit. 

For more information, follow this link:

Upcoming Republican Events
October 16: Switzerland County Lincoln Day Dinner & UTV Ride
October 22: Bartholomew County Reagan Roundup Fall Dinner
October 29: Crawford County Lincoln Day Dinner
November 2: Howard County Elephant Stampede 

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb attends the Indiana Technology & Innovation Association conference
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch meets with Lawrence Chamber of Commerce members
Treasurer Kelly Mitchell highlights National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Auditor Tera Klutz announces Indiana has received the highest award for financial reporting
Secretary of State Holli Sullivan visits Blackford County
Attorney General Todd Rokita provides cybersecurity tips
Senator Todd Young supports Taiwan as China's military power increases
Senator Mike Braun finishes visiting all 92 Indiana counties for the 3rd year in a row
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski urges the security of our supply lines
Congressman Jim Banks discusses the dangerous price of Biden's socialist agenda
Congressman Jim Baird celebrates National Farmers Day
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz criticizes the September jobs report
Congressman Greg Pence celebrates National Farmers Day
Congressman Larry Bucshon criticizes Dems' proposal for IRS to monitor bank accounts
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth tours IBC Advanced Alloys' new expansion

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