From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Striketober continues!
Date October 15, 2021 9:47 AM
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"Time for Congress to #PassBothBills": DC, Maryland congressional leadership joins MWC's demand

VA gubernatorial election: labor volunteers wanted

Striketober continues: 10,000 John Deere workers strike

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed]
click here to hear today's report

[link removed] George Mason University Coalition for Worker Rights: Fri, October 15, 12pm - 1pm

Coalition of faculty, students, alumni, employeesand contract workers seeking union rights for all GMU workers.

Canvass Launch at IBEW Local 26 Hall in Manassas: Sat, October 16, 9am - 2pm

7016 Infantry Ridge Rd, Manassas, VA 20109

Guest Speakers: VA candidates Elizabeth Guzman, Jennifer Carroll Foy. Individually wrapped breakfast snacks and water will be provided.
Questions? Contact Bob Zabel. mailto:[email protected] [email protected] 317-489-2501

photo: at last Saturday's NoVA Labor canvass.

Missed this week's [link removed] Your Rights At Work radio show? [link removed] Catch the podcast here. This week's show:
RN Marie Ritacco on the 8-month-old strike by 700 nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, and Kentucky State AFL-CIO president Bill Londrigan on the 5-week-old Heaven Hill distillery strike in Kentucky.

"Time for Congress to #PassBothBills": DC, Maryland congressional leadership joins MWC's demand

In response to the delayed progress by Congress on President Biden's Build Back Better Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, local lawmakers - including DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, Maryland Representatives Steny Hoyer (MD-5), Anthony Brown (MD-04), Jamie Raskin (MD-08) and John Sarbanes (MD-03) -- released statements today in alliance with the Metro Washington Labor Council. Norton called the bills' priorities "vital for the country, for our workers, and for the District of Columbia." Hoyer said they'd not only "reinvigorate our economy by creating good-paying jobs, but also make sure our workers are given equal opportunities to get ahead." Said Brown, "we need to think big and be bold with our policy solutions," while Raskin said that "we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make transformational investments in our nation's infrastructure, our environment and working families." And Sarbanes, like the rest of the lawmakers, pledged to "continue to push in Congress to pass this legislation."

VA gubernatorial election: labor volunteers wanted

The Virginia AFL-CIO has endorsed Terry McAuliffe and Hala Ayala for Governor and Lt. Governor because of their strong commitment to union values and for the work that they will do on behalf of Virginia's union members and families when they are elected. [link removed] Sign up here and the Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO will be in touch with you about how to get involved to help VA unions win on November 2nd. On Wednesday, Unite Here launched their canvass; "By election day, Unite Here will have made history with 200,000 door knocks by more than 100 canvassers," reports NoVA Labor president Ginny Diamond.
photo: at Wednesday's Unite Here canvass launch; photo by David Stephen.

Striketober continues: 10,000 John Deere workers strike

Ten thousand UAW John Deere members struck yesterday. "Pickets have been set up and our members are organized and ready to hold out and fight for a contract they believe meets their needs," said Ron McInroy, director of UAW Region 4. "Our members and their families appreciate the community support they have already gotten. Strikes are not easy, but some things are worth fighting for." UAW President Ray Curry said "The almost one million UAW retirees and active members stand in solidarity with the striking UAW members at John Deere."
[link removed] Read more here.

Today's Labor Quote: Matt Rubin

"New calendar proposal: Strikeuary; strikerch; strikeril; strikeay; strikeune; strikely; strikegust; striketember; striketober; strikevember; strikecember"

[link removed] Matt Rubin is a digital organizer. photo: at the Heaven's Hill strike; hear more on this week's [link removed] Your Rights At Work radio show.


This week's Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: [link removed] The Battle of Virden. Last week's show: [link removed] Sharecroppers' struggles for rights and power.

October 15

Pres. Woodrow Wilson signs the Clayton Antitrust Act - often referred to as "Labor's Magna Carta" - establishing that unions are not "conspiracies" under the law. It for the first time freed unions to strike, picket and boycott employers. In the years that followed, however, numerous state measures and negative court interpretations weakened the law - 1914

October 16

Queen Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, is beheaded during the French Revolution. When alerted that the peasants were suffering due to widespread bread shortages, lore has it that she replied, "Let them eat cake." In fact she never said that, but workers were, justifiably, ready to believe anything bad about their cold-hearted Royalty - 1793

Abolitionist John Brown leads 18 men, including five free blacks, in an attack on the Harper's Ferry ammunition depot, the beginning of guerilla warfare against slavery - 1859

October 17

Labor activist Warren Billings is released from California's Folsom Prison. Along with Thomas J. Mooney, Billings had been pardoned for a 1916 conviction stemming from a bomb explosion during a San Francisco Preparedness Day parade. He had always maintained his innocence - 1939

Salt of the Earth strike begins by the mostly Mexican-American members of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union Local 890 in Bayard, N.M. Strikers' wives walked picket lines for seven months when their men were enjoined during the 14-month strike against the New Jersey Zinc Co. A great movie (trailer below), see it! - 1950

Twelve New York City firefighters die fighting a blaze in midtown Manhattan - 1966

Industrial Union of Marine & Shipbuilding Workers of America merges with International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers - 1988

- David Prosten.

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Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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