Hello John,

I’m writing to ask you to contribute to our 2021 President’s Appeal. Your personal support will ensure National can continue our rebuild and fight back against Labour’s ideological agenda of socialism, centralisation and control. This isn’t just about the 2023 Election, but the future of our country.

Once a year, through the President’s Appeal, we seek your support to fund our frontline campaign efforts, helping us to communicate with communities throughout New Zealand.

A core campaign goal of our rebuild is to reach, engage, and earn back the support of those missing voters that voted for National in 2017, but did not in 2020.

Regaining their trust and confidence is key. Every single Party Vote that returns to National puts us closer to government in 2023. John, we’re asking for your help to get it done.

John, you’ve seen the results of Labour’s agenda for yourself. Despite all the promises and rhetoric, our country is becoming more divided, our education and health systems are going backwards, homes promised simply haven’t been built, our communities are less safe, our debt is out of control and so is the cost of living, and New Zealand’s infrastructure is falling apart.

We really need to ask ourselves, where is Labour taking our country? What does it mean for our children and grandchildren?

Kiwis can count on National to deliver a plan to tackle COVID-19 and get out of lockdowns, deliver a world-class education system, provide a responsive and innovative health system, get on and build more houses, and back our economy to deliver the jobs and wages Kiwis deserve.  
Labour doesn’t deliver on their promises. National does.

Help us deliver the change we all want. Donate Today!

Yours sincerely,

Peter Goodfellow

PS: For more information, please visit our newsletter by clicking here.


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