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Friday, October 15th, 2021


The Forgotten Cure That Prevents Mortal Heart Attacks

Bill Sardi

A Change in the Weather

Bretigne Shaffer

The Everlasting Shame of the ‘Republican’ Fed Heads

David Stockman

Why the US Is Headed into Its Fourth Turning

Doug Casey

We Have Paid a High Price for Our Insouciance—We Have Lost Our Country and Our Liberty

Paul Craig Roberts

Kill Back Better

Ann Coulter

Netflix To Launch WikiLeaks Smear Job Three Days Before Assange Court Date

Caitlin Johnstone

The Not-So-Friendly Skies

Alex Berenson

The Virus That Doesn’t Exist: Lies and Consequences

Jon Rappoport

Muqtada the Conqueror Gains Ground in Iraqi Poll

Pepe Escobar

“Dehumanized”: Covid Patient in Texas Hospital Had Plastic Bag Placed Over Her Head

Paul Joseph Watson

FDA Exposed as a Criminal Body Parts Cartel Involved in Routine Harvesting of Organs From Living Human Babies

Lance D Johnson

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