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Alert: Obama Admin Caught Hiding Biden Corruption!


Fellow Patriot,

The radical Democrats under Nancy Pelosi continue their witch hunt impeachment parade - despite that she no longer has enough votes - but it could come crashing down soon.

New evidence out of the State Department reveals that the Obama Deep State covered up Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine!

The report offers damning evidence that Joe Biden and his sons were involved in Ukraine corruption long before the 2016 election...

...and the Obama administration ignored it: IT'S TIME TO INDICT THE DEEP STATE.

Joe Biden's son, Hunter, pocketed millions of dollars from his involvement in the Ukraine oil and gas deal, while he was pedaling influence from his father's political power.

It's exactly the sort of corruption the Democrats are accusing President Trump of...

...the hypocrisy is undeniable: justice is long overdue against the Deep State.


Help Us Bring Them All to Justice!

Former Congressman Jason Chafetz, sitting in for Hannity, just revealed:

"The current sham of a so-called investigation is nothing more than unconstitutional power grab and it needs to end. Meanwhile...a State Department official, specializing in Ukraine raised serious concern about Hunter Biden's role with a corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas giant Burisma Holdings that paid him millions of dollars while his father was the vice president of the United States. According to this official, his concerns were ignored by the Obama administration."


So, here's the bottom line...

Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden and his family were all pedaling their influence across the globe, pocketing tens of millions of dollars from foreign nations. And the Deep State had all the power to sweep it under the rug.

Then when they faced the prospect of losing all that power, they turned their guns on Trump to stop his election. 

This is classic political corruption at its worst...

...and now the Deep State is trying to take down Trump in order to regain their power.

This is the sort of thing we'd expect to see in the former Soviet Union. 

It's time to throw these Deep State traitors behind bars!

We're putting more boots are the ground in DC and upping the ante. Will you help us demand an indictment?

Steve Eichler,

P.S.-  Attorney General Barr's investigation is about to drop a nuclear detonation on the Deep State. But we MUST ensure that everyone is brought to justice... including the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bidens. Help us demand indictment of ALL of the Deep State!


Help Us Bring Them All to Justice!

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