We can defeat Trump

But we have to work a lot harder and we have to do it now.


Trump is out in the lead right with campaign contributions and see Progressives to trumple on his campaign. That’s why Trump is talking about Venezuela and socialism. And his personal insults against the Disabled, Reporters, Iowans, Muslims, African-Americans, Asians, Women, Mexicans, POWs, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and others, show that he will offend anybody trying to bully his way into 2020.

Support Progressives to Defeat Trump >>

We are serious about providing health care, a living wage, college tuition free, combating climate change and improving the quality of life and to do that, we need your support. You can make a difference. In fact, Progressives determined the outcome of Democratic primaries in 2018 and brought large wins to the progressive community.

States are trending in the Progressives' favor.

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Trump has already revealed his playbook: Block voters and make it harder to cast bollots against him and trend with nationalism via hate and exclusion.

Progressives are not just focusing on how to defeat Trump, but  also addressing real issues like health care, stagnant wages and deportation bills. 

We must defeat Trump and every last Republican and we're personally ask you to rush in any contribution you can right away.

Rush in $3 >>

Thank you,

The Progressive Party


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Paid for by the Progressive Party

Progressive Party - Promoting progressive issues and ideas through politics to advance the progressive movement. Emerged from the Democratic Party.

4575 Dean Martin Drive, Suite 1604, Las Vegas, NV 89103 
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Contributions or gifts to the Progressive Party are not tax deductible.

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