Dear John,
For the last 50 years, the culture of death has overtaken most of our society.
With the help of the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry peddling their destructive messaging and fooling the public through marketing, abortion has not only become accepted, but celebrated.
This has especially been true when preborn children are diagnosed with Down syndrome.
With increased access to prenatal testing, Down syndrome abortions are skyrocketing worldwide. In the United States, the best estimate is that 67% of pregnancies end in abortion when the preborn child is diagnosed with Down syndrome.
In other countries, the situation is even worse – with some working to “eradicate Down syndrome” completely.
Despite this messaging spreading around the world, as Christians, we know that a diagnosis of Down syndrome – or any other medical or chromosomal condition – doesn’t change the value of life in the womb. Every human being was made in the image of God with intrinsic value from the moment of conception.
And God doesn’t make mistakes.
I was faced with this truth firsthand, because in the spring of 2020, my wife and I found out that our daughter had both a medical and chromosomal condition that the culture of death would have deemed unwanted.
But thanks to an amazing culture of life that was around us, we have been loved, supported, and lifted up throughout every step of the journey.
For Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I want to share my story of why I consider myself and my family among #TheLuckyFew:

Through the work of Human Coalition and so many other incredible organizations, I hope to see the culture change in America and around the world. I hope more families get to experience the kind of support my family did. And I hope more children with special needs will be given the life they deserve… the life that God planned for them.
Because God doesn’t make mistakes.
Thank you for defending the right to life for children like my daughter by supporting Human Coalition.
For Life,
Jason Law
Director of Communications