Shabbat is a time to get together with family.
At our Shabbat dinners growing up, I remember lighting candles, spending time with my Grandmother, and having conversations about the issues that helped shape me into who I am today.
I am grateful for the lessons I learned, and now, as the Political Director for the California Democratic Party, I’ve seen firsthand how Jewish values and Democratic values are aligned. We support fairness and equity, believe in responsibility and being good stewards of the Earth, and truly believe in the importance of coming together in community to create positive change.
Please join the California Democratic Party in community on October 22nd for our Social Justice Pre-Shabbat. Hear from activists and organizers across California about their family traditions and join in as they celebrate the culture of activism within Jewish communities.

The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam roughly translates to “repair the world”. It is meant as a call to action that encourages people to do what they can to make the world a better place.
Every day, California Democrats go out in their communities with that same ethos. It’s why we fight to elect Democrats up and down the ballot and enact real change.
I look forward to continuing the fight to repair the world with you.
In Solidarity,
Ben Seinfeld, Political Director
California Democratic Party